Meet the Upper Main Street Businesses March 9
The first program in our 2015 ‘Meet Our Businesses’ series will feature the Businesses of Upper Main Street from Hwy 4 North. Please join us on Monday, March 9, at Aspen Street Architects, 494 North Main Street. The mixer starts at 5:30 and the program at 6 pm. We hope you will participate. – either as a business in the area or as a business outside the area that wants to find out a little more about the Upper Main Street Businesses.
Each business will have just 3 minutes to tell us about its business or service. You’re sure to learn something new and may go home with coupons or gifts!
Free and open to the public. Join us for refreshments and wine tasting. Bring your colleagues and neighbors for a fun and informative evening. And remember to shop locally.